Blog Archives

Daly Dose of…MLK Day 2021

I’m not going to post a powerful Martin Luther King Jr speech. Most won’t listen to it, anyway. They are “too long” for our modern attention spans. Instead, I’ll post a concentrated bit of POWERFUL messaging that could fit on a tee shirt.

I don’t know who needs to hear this, but I suspect that audience includes most of us. We focus too much on hate. I’m trying to only hate, hate. I’m trying to not even hate the hates and the hateful. I’m focusing on being a positive force in this world. It’s my own carrot vs stick thinking, I imagine.

Would I rather focus on “punishing” what I perceive as negative, or rewarding positive behavior? (Please note that I am still for consequences for overtly bad conduct)

Do I want to assume through conjecture what I THINK is in someone’s heart or would I do better to engage and inquire?

Is it actually virtuous to claim exclusive stake in virtuosity to justify anger, or does self examination and critique lead one towards more virtue?

Is it on mission to engage in the battle of snark and quip, or is it in superior service to elevate the conversation with my own brand of “passionate logic” and the dissemination of factual information?

I know the answers to these questions for myself. Trust me, I’m someone who is really confident in what I think and believe, but I self-critique, ALL OF THE TIME. I hope more of “We The People” can adopt similar habits, before we actually start killing each other.

I’m Jeff Daly and I approve this message. I don’t know if MLK would approve of it, but in my mind, I hope that he would. I seek to honor his MASSIVE work and sacrifice in my own, smaller impact way.

Ceviche With Love

During college, I dated a young lady who lived out here in California. I would fly out to visit her between quarters, and she’d expose me to new adventures that we didn’t have growing up in Kalamazoo, Michigan. She also lived in Glendale at the time and it was HOT AF!! One day we got in the car and headed out of that valley and ventured into the cooler (temperature and vibe) Hollywood area and she suggested that we try this place that specialized in ceviche. I didn’t know what that was, but I was willing to follow her lead. Awwww, the power of love…or making thereof.

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Valentines Thoughts


Valentine’s Day is quickly approaching, and of course, I have thoughts:

1. Am I the only one who thinks the 15th is the REAL holiday? Savings on chocolate is just the beginning. I bought a couple of those steaks that they put into the heart shaped containers. DEAL!

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Mango-nificent Love


“The hunger for love is much more difficult to remove than the hunger for bread.” –Mother Teresa

Could both hungers be satiated with a little mango?

I love my Samsung Focus as much as one can love an electronic device, but that is not what this blog entry is about.  I have a developer unlocked device and thus, I have Microsoft’s test version of the latest iteration of Windows Phone, codenamed “Mango”.

This writing is not 100% mango centric.  Many of the apps are available for any major smartphone platform.  There are some features that are built-in to Windows Phone Mango and I’ll point those out.

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DalyDose of…Phone Sex. Is it a Date?

I like writing, but it would be so much better to get paid for it.  I came across this opportunity to submit a blog sample to this company starting a website for single people.  They were looking for funny, unique views.  I submitted my DalyDose of…10 Single Resolutions and they responded that they would like a 500 word sample using their test topic.  The test topic is “Does phone sex count as a date?”. 

I took on the challenge.  I transformed myself from nice guy to inner jerk and starting hitting the keyboard.  They wanted 500 words or less….here are my 493: Read the rest of this entry

DalyDose of…Stuck

Stuck is the short film that I made in 2009.  Thanks to the generosity of some talented people, I was able to make this short film for about $500.  Stay tuned after the video for more….

This film stars:
Jeff Daly – 
Femi Emiola –
Steffanie Siebrand –

The film was directed by myself and Aldo Lara.  Aldo also edited it and I wrote it.
Jayme Lutz was the producer and we were able to use equipment generously supplied by Stormmaker Productions.

As I submit this project to festivals, I am now writing some new webisodes based on these characters who love each other, but don’t always like each other.  The transition to something with a little more of a sitcom feel will brighten up the shooting style and add more “jokes” to the scripts.  Stay tuned!

PLEASE NOTE: That no one’s marital status was harmed during the filming of this project.  In fact, common law marriage is only applicable to 11 states and the District of Columbia (